Middle School Programs
Junior Achievement’s middle school programs build on concepts that students learned in elementary programming and help them further develop skills around each of our core pillars. These programs combine classroom instruction with a culminating simulated activity to create unique capstone experiences. Throughout middle school, students who participate in these immersive programs will have the opportunity to lead a city’s economy, practice personal budgeting, and explore careers across our region.

- JA BizTown
JA BizTown combines in-class learning with a daylong visit to a JA simulated town— where students learn the fundamental relationship between academics and life beyond school. This experiential learning program allows students in grades five and six to learn about the flow of their community’s economy, financial literacy skills, and basic business practices.
- JA Finance Park
JA Finance Park is an authentic simulation where seventh grade students experience their financial futures. Guided by their assigned ‘life situation,’ students apply knowledge gained in the classroom to make routine budget decisions; ultimately, building skills to confidently navigate today’s economic environment.
- JA Inspire
JA Inspire is a unique career exploration program for eighth grade students that culminates each spring at the JA Inspire Career Expo. This program is designed for students to take ownership of their futures, while engaging with industry experts to learn about high-wage and fast-growing careers in our regional economy. JA Inspire brings together a variety of employers and thousands of students to create an immersive experience that exposes students to different careers and the skills needed to pursue a future in these industries.
- JA in a Day: It's My Future
JA in a Day: It’s My Future is an immersive, one-day program designed to equip middle school students with essential career readiness skills. It provides the students with a solid foundation in career readiness, helping them make informed decisions about their future careers and understand the importance of their personal strengths and interests.
- JA Career Speaker Series
JA Career Speaker Series gives K-12 students insight into various career paths available throughout the region. Guest speakers from different professions visit the classroom and share information about their career, work, education experience, and what it takes to become successful in their field.